Catching Up

Well it’s been a while since I have written a blog post, after taking quite a long break (longer than planned!) from Flossy’s Flowers, I am back.

I’ve completed two wedding orders this year and started to attend craft fairs with the help of my mum who has taken over Rob’s role of transport and has been helping to create some lovely pieces that we have been selling at our craft fairs. Our personal lives are very difficult at the moment, in 2023 Rob was diagnosed with a very aggressive and fast spreading Cancer and we have been dealing with the side effects of the treatment, hospital stays and appointments and a lot of stress while trying to raise two young children and with Rob unable to work it has been a very long and difficult year. Things are going the right way and the treatment Rob has been receiving is working but it is a very slow process. I decided that I needed to get back to working on my flowers and crafts as something to keep my mind and hands busy during this time, and to give me some down time/ me time without feeling selfish and with the help of my new team member Lynne (mum) I have been able to do just that. From looking after the children for me so I can work on my wedding orders to providing much needed support and transport for craft fairs, to helping create new products, Flossy’s Flowers would not be able to function without her.

We have attended a few fairs around Christmas last year and some through the spring and summer and we are very excited to be able to do more Christmas Craft Fairs this year. We love Christmas and cannot wait to get started on making all the things to sell on our stall.

As mentioned above I have completed two Wedding orders since starting back up and hope to be able to complete many more. I have added photos of my latest orders in the Gallery.

I am considering a slight rebrand to Flossy’s Flowers and Gifts so I can sell other products that have a floral/ natural theme, I have started trialling this at the Craft fairs that we have attended.


New Website